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West Wimbledon Primary School


The School believes that its buildings and grounds are a community asset and will make every reasonable effort to enable them to be used as much as possible.

The object of any letting (hire of) school premises is to establish the school as a resource of and the ‘hub’ of the community. This in turn will encourage greater community cohesion and facilitate more vibrant, safer and stronger communities. However, some commercial lettings will have as their object the need for the School to raise additional income.

In every case, though, the overriding aim will be to support the school in providing the best possible education for its pupils, and any lettings of the premises to outside organisations will always be considered with this in mind.

The School’s delegated budget (which is provided for the education of its pupils) will not be used to subsidise any lettings by community or commercial organisations. A charge will be levied to meet the additional costs incurred by the school in respect of any lettings of the premises. As a minimum, the actual cost to the school of any use of the premises by an outside organisation must be reimbursed to the school’s budget. For more information, please contact the School, on 020 8946 1620.

That said, we are committed to ensuing that our School, which is a community facility, is available to the community: when it is not being used as a school.

Further details may be found in the our 'Lettings policy', which is available to view on our policies page.