Everyone connected to West Wimbledon Primary School can contribute to FOWW.
As well as parents, staff and children our group is open to relations, neighbours and friends of the families in our school. We also call on the support of local businesses and community groups.
FOWW organises events, large and small that benefit our school community, enhance the experience our children have and that raise money for extra school resources. We hope that the positive effect of what we do is felt by every child in our school.
FOWW is a registered charity. Having charity status allows us to use donation websites such as www.uk.virginmoneygiving.com for all the sponsored challenges that our members undertake. We don’t expect everyone to run a marathon for us but some people already have! We can also claim the Gift Aid from these sponsorships and other donations.
We know that the children really look forward to extra, fun events in school. A highlight of our calendar is the Summer Fair. An event like this needs lots of support. If you would like to sponsor a stall, demonstrate a national dance, plan the event or help on the day please contact our school office.
FOWW also organises smaller events and services for our school community. We hold sales of second-hand school uniform each term which prove to be very popular.